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BBB-BOOoost Your Profits!

Ghosts and goblins and Fall Fun– Here comes Halloween. A time for costumes and fun. A time for carving jack-o-lanterns and bobbing for apples. A time to drive more traffic to your store.

Here at McManemin the ghosts are friendly and the black cats are cuddly.  Make sure your store is stocked with plenty of treats to offer your little tricksters.  Call or email your McManemin rep today.


Visit the Aeromax catalog for great offerings of ‘real gear’ costumes.  Kids love to dress for Halloween in ‘What I want to be when I grow up’ costumes.




Aside from all the costumes and fun, did you know that Halloween is also a time when kids help other kids?  Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF raises money for children in 190 countries around the world.  The money is used for food, clothing, health care and school supplies.  Visit this site to learn more about this fine program to help kids who need more than candy this Halloween.

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