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Some of our favorite Teddy Bear quotes:

“You really don’t have to be young to find a friend in a teddy bear.” Rachel Newman
“Everything in life I share – except of course, my Teddy Bear.” – Unknown
Piglet: “How do you spell love?”  Pooh: “You don’t spell it, you feel it.”
“Bears sleep by day. At night they stay awake to chase away bad dreams.” Jesse O’Neil
“Teddy bears don’t need hearts as they are already stuffed with love.” Unknown

Teddy Bear Day Facts






The Origin of the Teddy Bear:

During the early 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt was in office as President of the United States. He was a hunter. While hunting in Mississippi in 1902, he refused to shoot a small bear. The Washington Post picked up on this story, and made a cartoon of the event. Toy store owners, Morris and Rose Michtom, wrote to President Roosevelt for permission to call their stuffed animals “Teddy Bears”. Teddy bears became wildly popular. Their company went on to become the Ideal Toy Company, one of the largest toy companies in the world.


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